Make a delicious rum cocktail with pineapple, strawberry and lemon flavours...
In our cocktail mix you get all the ingredients you need to make this funky cocktail. Add the contents to 70cl of rum, give it a shake and leave to infuse for 48 hours. Once the rum is infused strain a double shot over ice in a highball glass, add soda water or fruit juice and sit back, relax and enjoy this refreshing cocktail. Makes up to 20 cocktails.
Product Specification:
Ingredients: Ingredients: cane sugar, 15% pineapple (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), lemon peels, 6% strawberry, carmine natural colouring agent, 0.01% blueberry and strawberry natural flavors, flavour (raspberry)
Net weight 120g
Possible traces of nuts, gluten, mustard, sesame, milk, eggs, sulfites, soy
Alcohol not included
Drink responsibly
In our cocktail mix you get all the ingredients you need to make this funky cocktail. Add the contents to 70cl of rum, give it a shake and leave to infuse for 48 hours. Once the rum is infused strain a double shot over ice in a highball glass, add soda water or fruit juice and sit back, relax and enjoy this refreshing cocktail. Makes up to 20 cocktails.
Product Specification:
Ingredients: Ingredients: cane sugar, 15% pineapple (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), lemon peels, 6% strawberry, carmine natural colouring agent, 0.01% blueberry and strawberry natural flavors, flavour (raspberry)
Net weight 120g
Possible traces of nuts, gluten, mustard, sesame, milk, eggs, sulfites, soy
Alcohol not included
Drink responsibly